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Fostering Teamwork, Discipline and Resilience

Del Rancho Pop Warner is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all participants and spectators. We promote respect and good sportsmanship among athletes, parents, coaches, and attendees at all events, practices, and venues. 


  • No bullying of any kind.

  • No unruly, disruptive, or illegal behavior.

  • No intoxication or signs of impairment.

  • No excessive profanity or vulgar language.

  • No bigoted, demeaning, abusive, or intimidating language or gestures.

  • No verbal or physical harassment of officials, participants, or coaches.

  • No disrupting competition (e.g., entering the fields or throwing objects).

  • No interfering with security or emergency procedures.

  • No defacing, destroying, or stealing property.

  • No violence or threats of violence.

  • No public criticism of officials, teams, event personnel, or policies (including on social media).

  • No failure to follow event personnel instructions.

  • Failure to comply may result in removal from the event, one-year ban, or permanent ban for repeat offenses. No refunds will be given for removals.


  • April- July: Cheer clinics offered.

    • Participation highly encouraged but optional, event fee not included in athlete registration. 

  • May: Uniform Fittings/Cheer Assessments.

  • June-July: Pre-season team building activities at Head Coaches’ discretion.

  • Team fundraising

  • We encourage athletes to enroll into cheer tumbling classes at a local gym for additional skill development:

    • SoCal TTC, Poway​

    • Cali All Stars, San Marcos 

    • San Diego Gymnastics, Rancho Bernardo 


Attendance Policy -Why it is Mandatory

Cheerleading requires a 110% commitment and the active participation of every team member. To ensure safety and performance, it’s imperative that cheerleaders attend all scheduled practices. Missing practice impacts the entire team’s progress, including routine adjustments, stunting groups, and overall cohesion. Please plan summer vacations for June and July, as August is crucial for skill assessments and division placements.

Failure to attend practice may result in not being able to cheer for that week's game or participate in stunts and halftime routines, as decided by the Head Coach based on team safety. If a cheerleader misses practice due to illness, injury, or emergency, the Head Coach must be notified immediately to discuss alternatives.

  • Excused absences: 3 allowed (with prior notice to Head Coach).

  • Unexcused absences are NOT permitted.


Parents are responsible for athletes arriving on time and being picked up promptly. If someone other than a parent/guardian is picking up a player, the coach must be informed. Players will only be released to a parent/guardian unless notified. Coaches will wait until all players are picked up, so please be respectful of their time.

Practice Schedule

Location: Rancho Bernardo Community Park. Teams may hold practices at local gyms with board approval. The team will be required to cover any fees associated with gym rental.

Practice times: The days of the week, hours of practice and duration of practice will vary according to the coach’s schedule and the availability of the fields, park gazebo or indoor facility.

National Pop Warner Rules on Number of Hours of Practice Permitted:

  • Max 10 hours per week prior to Labor Day.

  • Max 6 hours per week after Labor Day.

  • Max 2.5 hours of practice may be scheduled on any one day before Labor Day.

  • Max 2 hours of practice may be scheduled per day after Labor Day.

Dress Code

  • Proper practice attire is required:

    • athletic shorts, shirt, socks, and athletic shoes. Head Coaches may set specific practice uniforms (e.g., camp wear on Tuesdays).

  • Undergarments must always be appropriately covered.

  • Hair should be pulled back, off the neck and face, and secured with hair bands.

  • Fingernails must be short and free of press-on or acrylic nails.

  • Only medical alert bracelets/necklaces are allowed.

  • Do not bring valuables to practice; DRPW is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Not permitted: halter tops, spaghetti straps, midriff exposure, jeans (short or long), flip flops, sandals, boots, crocs, slippers, or game day shoes. No jewelry, including earrings, watches, body piercings, or necklaces. Band-aids over newly pierced ears are not allowed. All earrings must be removed—no exceptions.


Cell phones are not allowed to be used during practice or cheer related events unless in an emergency. Phones and electronic devices are required to be put away to ensure focus and safety. All coaching staff, including student demos, will adhere to the same policy to support our commitment to safety and mitigate external distractions.


A mandatory one-day camp for team building, safe stunting, and basic cheer motion skills. All cheerleaders must attend due to required practice hours before Certification Day. A Family and Friend Showcase will follow the camp. The JAMZ Camp fee is included in your athlete's season registration.


A mandatory event for all cheerleaders and football athletes the West Coast Conference to have their registration paperwork confirmed by Conference Officials. The event takes a short time, but please keep the entire day available. Schedules will be provided 2 weeks before the event.

If players do not make this date, they are dropped from rosters.

GAME DAYS (Rain or shine, we cheer!)

Game Season: August – November

A “Super Bowl” is held in December for National Track, if the Football Team decides to participate.

Home Field: Rancho Bernardo High School

Due to field availability, not all games will be held at our home field.


West Coast Conference Boundaries: Del Rancho Pop Warner is one of thirty-three associations within the West Coast Conference which cover all of San Diego County and extending to Imperial Valley and Murrieta Valley. These boundaries are where games will be held.

Game Day Schedules

Games typically last 2 hours, starting between 8am and 8pm. Cheerleaders arrive 1 hour before game time for warmups and check-ins. They cheer at all home and away games, rain or shine. Only the game referee can call a game, not the coaches.

Game Day Dress Code

Uniforms must be worn and kept clean, including the designated Game Day bow, shells, briefs, skirts, socks, and shoes. Hair must be neat, no jewelry allowed, and nails are required to be trimmed short.

Performance Mode

During games, cheerleaders must stay with their coaching staff on the field or in the designated cheering area. They should not be in the stands unless the Head Coach allows for half-time breaks, bathroom breaks, or in event of an emergency.

Game Day Weather

Parents, families, and guest spectators should plan for weather accordingly. For hot weather, we recommend ice water, sunscreen, sunglasses, hats, umbrellas, canopies, misting bottles, and stadium cushions. For cold weather, bring water, stadium cushions, jackets, blankets, and umbrellas for rain—remember, we cheer rain or shine!



Please refer to Competition Acknowledgement for full details

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